Based on the potential to be implemented in my state, I would rank the energies in the following order for the state of Hawaii:
Solar energy
Coal energy
Wind energy

I ranked Solar energy as first because solar energy is not only sustainable but renewable which means that we will never run out of it. It is a natural source of power as it is possible to generate electricity. Hawaii is known to be a rich state because of tourism and since on average people make over $75,000 there which would make the cost of implementation of expensive solar panels possible. Initially solar energy panels are what are expensive however in the long term, the creation of solar energy requires little maintenance. The geography of my state is perfect for solar energy since the location on earth causes it to have a lot of available sunlight. There are many resources available to recharge the solar panels. The tropical location provides abundant sunlight and warm climate. The size of Hawaii is good since sunlight is able to cover it adequately. Hawaii’s government has been using solar energy for electricity and government has been using it more and more over the years. The government also uses it in ventilation of homes and buildings.
Solar energy
Coal energy
Wind energy